Developer Insights #1

Let's talk about sexually explicit acts (scenes will now be referred to as acts since the release of the first episode).

My philosophy around the explicit content might be slightly different than what you're used to in a game that has a loop as the main mechanic. For example, I hate the idea of having to repeat the exact same act in order to progress it to the next level. This is why the mini-acts have unique short scripts. It's also why I chose an animation as the background for them, so it's more of a treat to look at than a generic image you've already seen several times.

As far as I'm concerned, gatekeeping better sexual content behind the same act with the same script 5 times is just a cheap way of padding the game's content. You're no longer interacting with the characters, you're just interacting with the game's programming. It's also not how relationships progress in real life.

But at the same time, I also don't want to rush into anything that feels out of place. How cheap would it be if the MC would've already had sex with 3-4 of the main girls? What if it was already Mei? There's a natural progression for every girl and finding that balance is important to keeping their personalities feeling true.

That said, I'm not here to bleed you of your money. And I don't want to be developing this game for half-a-decade. So my typical philosophy when I'm creating explicit content is to go 1 or 2 steps further than I initially planned.

A perfect example is the foot-job act with Kumi. I initially planned for that to be a rub over his jeans and just went with it, because how boring would that have been otherwise? And I'm not here to bore you.

I'm here to entertain you.

Now that that's out of the way let's talk quickly about my current schedule. I'm going to take it slow for a couple weeks to get feedback and consider what worked and didn't work with episode 0.1.

I also have to add in several mini-acts for a few of the girls that don't have any but do have leveled relationships (Haya, Sats, Emiho, Yua, and Kumi). So look out for those in a week or so.

Development on Episode 0.1 will begin on the 29th.

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